Tuesday 9 December 2008

'The Secret' book by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret book is about how to live your dream life and LIVE IT as reality! By focusing on good thoughts and good emotion. And ofcourse the real secret is the law of attraction. We're all live by one power and this power is energy. Einstein said E=CM2, which most of us don't know what it mean, but what it really mean is Energy = CurrencyMass and this mean everthing is energy.
So, whatever you're attracting or focusing on, the power and frecuency will drawn people and circustances to move or arrange it back to you. The principle of this is like attract like, and all the things you want is serve by the people or event. So don't get confused by that particular person have to give it you, but it's you attracting it to serve you! The universe always corrispond to your good or bad vibe and it draw a picture into your future. If you're focusing on how bad it is and feeling terrible about it then you will get more of it! Because every second our thoughts is always working and it effect our emotion.
You bring everything into your life by energy, people and circumstance are just the picture. So use your mind carefully by not to think how but the end result. You will never know what, who or how it will bring things you want to you.

Every relationship can turn around into perfection. We're always complaining about other people, and it show that you don't appreciated about other person enough. We should be greatful and bless all the things around you especially the people you met. Anything can turn good even your enermy, bless them, forgive them and forget the past. Always think how you like other to treat you. And most important relationship of all is you and your body, some people are not greatful enough of who they are, they always torture themself with surgery to manipulated themself to attracts other. No, your thought creating you! If you don't love your self , you're commiting that frequency to make other don't love you. If you love yourself right now then the whole world become a reflection from your mind saying I am worthy and deserve all the love!

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