Tuesday 10 March 2009

Interview with Romina

Thursday 6th of March, my very first interview for a placement, I was very excited to meet Romina and so grateful! I dressed myself in white jacket, a pair of jeans and white heels. I was hoping to make a good impression. When I first arrived in London, I went straight to London Bridge to visit Hussein Chalayan exhibition, and it was such a beautiful day out. I couldn't help myself smiling all day and stay positive about getting this placement, and I have no doubt about it. I stop for lunch at Pret and met a nice counter, he generously gave away free miso soup. I was in a positive all day.

I start wondering about the book I read few days ago, 'Persuasion: the art of influencing people' by James Bogg. I do remembered all the things that this book taught me; important while you're in the interview is shining your enthusiasm personality. I manage visit Hussein Chalayan's exhibition before interview, it was an amazing experience to be close to one of world top fashion designer's work. I was blessed.

I finally arrived in London field at 3:45pm but the interview start at 4pm. Romina herself look fantastic, and she was nicely welcomed. Her studio look very nice and professional, full of pictures and inspiration. We sat down on red comfy sofa and we start to look at my portfolio. She commented that she likes my drawings, my modelling, and electric sport jacket: especially digital print underneath. I showed her my technifile fill with illustration, working drawing, pattern pieces, and she likes it. She ask me general question about who are my favourite designers and who like the least. It reminded me when I had Fiona interviewed me at University of Derby; I was full of excitement and enjoy talking, and pretend I already been offer a place which later I did! I was in the same good vibe when Romina interviewed me. At the end she told me that likes me and that's a good feedback!

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