Tuesday 11 November 2008

'Paul Smith' by John Morley

John Morley is the director of Paul Smith, he organise Paul's business by taking control of money, retail, production, fashion show, etc. John has knowing Paul for 30 years; he was his accountant at first and has been through with his journey to success. John also said he's Capricorn and told us about what we will be expecting in presentation.

Firstly John introduced us through Paul Smith's history from his childhood where he wasn't into fashion until he's 11 years old. He's always into sport and car races but his whole world changed after car accident. When he found this art school girl to help her open her clothes shop, and decorate them, that's when he realize he want to do fashion. At the start his wife taught him how to do pattern cutting. The reason he uses his own name for the brand is because at the time it was in trend to use your own name. Paul Smith is separate from high street; it's about being on top of professional.

When it comes to overview of the business, Japan is their biggest market for them because Japanese are more into his collection, and now they have the main office there. Paul Smith now is globally spread across the world; European, Asia, etc. His first shop was based in Nottingham but now he has one in Leeds, Manchester, Paris, Istanbul (Turkey), Tokyo, New York and many more. In his shop there are more extravagant feature than just clothes, it’s the furniture that make his shop so lively; it’s vibrant, quirky/art deco. He normally brought them from Furniture shop in Albertnarle Street in London.

Paul Smith’s mainline is obviously menswear but they’re also now do woman wear. Over all of their business it turn out that best selling item in their collection is accessories category like sunglasses, jewellery, and handbag.

Paul Smith company promoting themselves by hosting various art exhibitions and cultural events at their store, and their future plan is trying to open more store. Now his company is the world’s biggest sale point in Japan. He said “it’s about today and tomorrow you have to keep move forward”. John also mentions that licensing is good because they give check and willing to advertise. And they’re currently advertising fragrance for woman which is very short. Advertising is expensive through media, magazine, sending out news letter, etc.

John also show a clip of British style genius (BBC2) which I already seen it. It was about Paul Smith’s interview and business story how he started and make him successful. He show his signature of classic with the twist; acceptable on the outside but plash colours on lining. Colour is very important because it simple design, sometime need a bit of writing or print over it. He also make attention to detail which is feature everything about Paul Smith. Japan’s culture still constantly inspiring him endlessly. Good relating with employee is also important, good communication skill is what business need.

Sometime strong creativity and commercial should also stick with reality to without loosing our edge. John advises us to be prepare to work hard and go extra miles, and there are more you can do and You Can!

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