Friday 19 December 2008

Adidas Visit

This Adidas presentation was presented by independent student Gareth Dyer, he currently working on MA Performance Sportswear at Adidas and it was his first work experience. He once told that he presents proposal for Richard Branson. He briefly talk about history of Adidas where they first passionate about shoes design, concept sale and production. Then move to modern day now they design range of swim, Olympic, outdoor, etc. When it come to production, the company go to China or India to organise the fabric and manufacturing method.
Gareth then go through work at Adidas where his range is wearable technology; Trianny and leisure wear is his main. His concept sheet design show 7 modern classic designs the feature – moment. The look is based on cool and casual; the colour blocks give to enthusiastic aspect and always inspired by 70s design. The key of garment are silhouette, fabrics and trims. He show that he must have brief sketch is line showing basic outline, the seam, simple and plain which that based on life style look. Adidas graphic design images and writing are always bold because it’s their signature, and they always creating fit for purpose product. Fabric technology is an important part where they searching fabrics like in China or India. But more creative fabric is mostly from B+B (bread+butter event) or Premere Vision (based in Paris) where most companies from all over Europe presents theirs.

He told us that Stella McCartney is obviously now working for Adidas but she bends the rules by using quality fabric and expensive details. It’s all about image on her side. Unfortunately Adidas have driven by marketing rather than creativity because this company is all about fit for purpose.

Tuesday 9 December 2008

'The Secret' book by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret book is about how to live your dream life and LIVE IT as reality! By focusing on good thoughts and good emotion. And ofcourse the real secret is the law of attraction. We're all live by one power and this power is energy. Einstein said E=CM2, which most of us don't know what it mean, but what it really mean is Energy = CurrencyMass and this mean everthing is energy.
So, whatever you're attracting or focusing on, the power and frecuency will drawn people and circustances to move or arrange it back to you. The principle of this is like attract like, and all the things you want is serve by the people or event. So don't get confused by that particular person have to give it you, but it's you attracting it to serve you! The universe always corrispond to your good or bad vibe and it draw a picture into your future. If you're focusing on how bad it is and feeling terrible about it then you will get more of it! Because every second our thoughts is always working and it effect our emotion.
You bring everything into your life by energy, people and circumstance are just the picture. So use your mind carefully by not to think how but the end result. You will never know what, who or how it will bring things you want to you.

Every relationship can turn around into perfection. We're always complaining about other people, and it show that you don't appreciated about other person enough. We should be greatful and bless all the things around you especially the people you met. Anything can turn good even your enermy, bless them, forgive them and forget the past. Always think how you like other to treat you. And most important relationship of all is you and your body, some people are not greatful enough of who they are, they always torture themself with surgery to manipulated themself to attracts other. No, your thought creating you! If you don't love your self , you're commiting that frequency to make other don't love you. If you love yourself right now then the whole world become a reflection from your mind saying I am worthy and deserve all the love!

Saturday 6 December 2008

Fuse Magazine

Fuse magazine is an article about 'examines artworks and cultural events in term of relationship between political issues and contemporay culture'

Saturday 29 November 2008

The Art of Persuation by James Bogg

'Persuation: the art of influencing people' is the book written by James Bogg. This book is my biggest influences and changes the way I see things everyday. It makes me become a stronger person and a good persuader. I become more aware of voice tone, body language, words that make people listen. And also get what I want.

Information Exchange

Information exchange is an event organised by Fashion Studies tutors gathers final year students to share their placement information from last year. Before we attend to the event, we have prepared questions ready for interviews, and we need to interview at least 6 people which I have done 8 interviews!

I first interviewed Katrina Williams who went to Ossis for 5 weeks, she did party preparation for business meeting and had a big responsibility for pattern manufacturing when her manager went travel. Second place she went was Anna Scholz for 9 months, she did various work in the small company and also got paid for her travel and lunch.

Shushma Malmi went to Debbie Bryan ‘I dress myself’ which the company is based on eco-friendly clothes design. She started making badges, screen print art scene, then she gradually has more responsibility on ordering in and check products, updating website; photoshop work, and orgaising studio. She said the best bit about her job was designing cuff ling and she find the whole thing very technical.

Krisha Haveliwala manages to have the best work experience out of her 3rd year. She went to Vogue in USA and mainly in charge one section of the website and her favourite part was get to play with clothes and listen to U.K radio1. Her best experience out of all is involved in working with Sex and the City scene where she meets several celebrities that I have never heard and I forgot to write down. She compared her experience as ‘Devil wears Prada’ movie where everything was intense, no break, and has stressful people around. It was 3 months unpaid but it has been her best and worse experience of all.

Laura Fox went to four work placements such as Papillion Bleu for 7 weeks which is mainly doing research for them. 69 magazine for 7 weeks as a researcher for trends, write question and help choosing colour palette. Her favourite placement last for 4 weeks was Burberry, where her job is an assistance technical, helping pattern and productions. Her most proud moment was her socks design went into ASDA super market that she worked for George Company. She find Burberry people help her gain more learning out come because they wanted you to ask question rather more than George where she wouldn’t dare to ask as they’re so busy.

Hayley Lyttel’s first job was working for Can Can which got more insight of their supplier, learning to do book work and did window displaying. BC international was her second placement where she gets good insight of factory - seeing the work there, and it was very demanding roll. She said there was no creativity which is based on knowledge of strict you have, big responsibility, a lot of pressure and get into production movement. The interview was intense and she wishes she have more Illustrator work. She got paid £50 per week for 9 months and mentions that ‘neither of them I want to goes back’. Her advice was ‘applying as much as you can and always go for the best one’.

Sam Andrew works for Topshop for a year, she mainly into jersey design where she helps designing prints into CAD. At first she didn’t know how to use it (Her CV said she can) but they manage to catch up and found out that she couldn’t. So they taught her how. She felt that she learn so much more from this experience than university because there is more technical stuff in CAD skill. She also went to Native Clothing design Ltd and got paid £50 per week which involved in shop assistance.

Jennifer Cormack-Hough has one placement at Jennifer Sanderson for 3 weeks; international design consultant for furnishing and home products and this mainly involved in Textiles. Her role was to do magazine research and picking interesting images and scan them into design file which is very time consuming, and she also did draft pattern design. She finds most of the time is not challenging but maybe if she stays longer then it could be different. She did considering going back because she wants to do more womenswear.

Lastly Ceri Barlett is my final interview. She first works at Riess (1year and 4 months) where she already know so much about their store and doing percentage up or down. She accidently got client who asked her if she can do interior stylist for Daily Mail and she delighted to accept it. Then Daily Mail was second placement where she styling furniture and jewellery a lot for 9 months. Good thing about her job is having variety contacts like press contacts, and best thing is getting free stuff and having power to take control of photoshoot; organising the material and furniture by ordering them. At first she got paid £50 per day then £35 per hour.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Business is about 7P's

This is continue from Johm Morley's talk about 7P's business.
Business is about product- design can’t stand still and good design sells products, therefore designer has to keep pushing the boundary. Sometime designer have to hit the price point so they have to know their market.
What most business trying to do is stop from people turn pages too quick, and quirky is the key. Listening to staff’s opinions and ideas are good, and just remember that treat other people like how you would like them treat you. "Business fails because they run out of cash" said John.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

'Paul Smith' by John Morley

John Morley is the director of Paul Smith, he organise Paul's business by taking control of money, retail, production, fashion show, etc. John has knowing Paul for 30 years; he was his accountant at first and has been through with his journey to success. John also said he's Capricorn and told us about what we will be expecting in presentation.

Firstly John introduced us through Paul Smith's history from his childhood where he wasn't into fashion until he's 11 years old. He's always into sport and car races but his whole world changed after car accident. When he found this art school girl to help her open her clothes shop, and decorate them, that's when he realize he want to do fashion. At the start his wife taught him how to do pattern cutting. The reason he uses his own name for the brand is because at the time it was in trend to use your own name. Paul Smith is separate from high street; it's about being on top of professional.

When it comes to overview of the business, Japan is their biggest market for them because Japanese are more into his collection, and now they have the main office there. Paul Smith now is globally spread across the world; European, Asia, etc. His first shop was based in Nottingham but now he has one in Leeds, Manchester, Paris, Istanbul (Turkey), Tokyo, New York and many more. In his shop there are more extravagant feature than just clothes, it’s the furniture that make his shop so lively; it’s vibrant, quirky/art deco. He normally brought them from Furniture shop in Albertnarle Street in London.

Paul Smith’s mainline is obviously menswear but they’re also now do woman wear. Over all of their business it turn out that best selling item in their collection is accessories category like sunglasses, jewellery, and handbag.

Paul Smith company promoting themselves by hosting various art exhibitions and cultural events at their store, and their future plan is trying to open more store. Now his company is the world’s biggest sale point in Japan. He said “it’s about today and tomorrow you have to keep move forward”. John also mentions that licensing is good because they give check and willing to advertise. And they’re currently advertising fragrance for woman which is very short. Advertising is expensive through media, magazine, sending out news letter, etc.

John also show a clip of British style genius (BBC2) which I already seen it. It was about Paul Smith’s interview and business story how he started and make him successful. He show his signature of classic with the twist; acceptable on the outside but plash colours on lining. Colour is very important because it simple design, sometime need a bit of writing or print over it. He also make attention to detail which is feature everything about Paul Smith. Japan’s culture still constantly inspiring him endlessly. Good relating with employee is also important, good communication skill is what business need.

Sometime strong creativity and commercial should also stick with reality to without loosing our edge. John advises us to be prepare to work hard and go extra miles, and there are more you can do and You Can!

George (ASDA) visits

George is an economic clothe brand that is widely known sell and own by ASDA super market company. They have different kind of customer targets like children, ladies, men, which is why it’s suitable in ASDA. George did a presentation with us at University in Kedtletons road, and it was useful that they tell us rough ideas what fashion industry is like. We had head of human resources from George and a designer who studied at Derby University!

They talk through with us about history of George; 1990 George Davies created clothe Brand called 'George' and 5 years later they own by ASDA (they brought the company) one of UK's second largest supermarket. By 2004 George is no.1 for volume and value (cheap and good quality) and that's when Walmart chosen George to be in with their global brand. This really concern me about the labour who manifesting behinds these clothes (over abroad) and they could be in very low wage!

Recently, George company have open a new George House (new office) which is based in Lutterworth Leicestershire where they mention that it would be difficult to get there if you don't have a car! So for me that's sucks, and I am not going to applying for them. On their presentation, they said there will be good training program for work experience like group exercise, and presentation. The work experience will be 1-4 weeks unpaid and assistance to all area. What they looking for is you have to have:

  • Good retail and commercial awareness.
  • Strong team player.
  • Passion and willing to learn.
  • Be very commercial.
  • Show creative work: come up with your rang design, fabulous mood board.
  • Have your own opinion.
  • Research lots of markets and be individual.
  • Show your opinion of what do you think of your own work.

I find this information very useful and this give me a head start of how I could improve myself, be more prepare and what sort of question interviewer could be asking.

Documentary of 'British Style Genius' BBC2

British Style Genius is a documentary program about 3 different fashion designers; John Galliano, Vivienne Westwood, and Alexander McQueen's story of how they become world successful designer. I was festinated by the story of Vivienne Westwood the most because her life in 80s was trying to break rules of tradition to be more outrageous (self expression) and also make it acceptable which today we called it Rock N Roll style. It's all about how they become cool. What' going to change fashion? Now day high street youngsters have their individual style, everybody want to be different daring and standout!

John Galliano is head designer of Christian Dior, he influenced me the technique that never been seen before and this is because of his understandings historical (dept of research), the tailoring, cuts, patterns that also shown sense of romanticism himself. What really makes him stand out more is when he created classic Dior shape with his own cultural inspiration design. He created the whole new brand that is completely different from the past Dior, and they all accept the new Dior.

Extreme shape and drama, Alexander McQueen got it all. Alexander is very political designer who use the murdering rape theme on the catwalk which is very disturbing and strong sense message (rip open clothe on private part and breast). He use today issues and events as part of fashion, they contain character, reputation, emotional appeal, and logical. He make us agree with what actually happening and make that scary catwalk is acceptable.

Derby Museum and Art Gallery

Derby Museum and Art Gallery is the museum that collected a wide range of important and attractive collections, covering porcelain, paintings, archaeology, history, local regiments, geology and wildlife. I think this museum have a good range of ages attraction like personal tour for kids, grown up local art exhibition.

I personally find Joseph Wright's work very inspiring because I started to realize and understanding about how to read self portrait. It was very interesting that self portrait is about allowing the artist to 'presenting him or herself to the world as what they would like to be perceived'. In a sense that they can be who ever they want to be by choose what wear, posture, facial expression and technique of painting. These are all 'present us visual clues about the artist'.

The first room I entered was the finest collection of Derby porcelain in the world, from different ages but most of them are from 18th century. I find there are more pots and plates displaying than sculpture, and I guess that because of that time they preferred porcelain to be useful and beautiful at the same time.

As I approach first floor I found Creative Thought section where they have collection of various artist based on recycling and organic theme. I see the creativity and good possibility in the future such as Silk Mill dress made from silk moth life cycle (made by Ida Agnusdei, staff from Derby university!), 'The weaved basket'; fine woven paper with print messages, 'The Print Frame'; images of moth, Derby maps, flower, sewing kit, etc.

My last destination I reached to the second floor in the large room of local photograph and art exhibition. I was festinated by photograph of 'What Colour is the Sun' by Paul and Angela Hill, I love so much I wanted to put them on my wall! I also found photograph of 'MOD sign' which I found the message very funny. I think art is not only about charm or beauty but it's the hint of artist's personality reflect on their work make me love them more! It's about what effected those artists at the time that make them speak out and create something that will make people see their point of view.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Robert Hamilton on PUMA

Robert Hamilton is apparel designer for Puma; he's working on designing menswear especially casual wear. PUMA is a big sport company and world wide known as active wear.
His job is to create a collection of 20 designs, research on competitive market, and fly to Hong Kong to check on production.

My first impression of Robert was a normal guy who is very well understand about fashion market. I find his presentation was very useful and inspiring, I think it was the first time I ever felt so good and excited about going on placement year. I've plan to take a year out for placement and I realize it's the best idea for me to try everything. Anything to do with fashion such as marketing, styling, Illustrator (CAD), designing. If you have experience every jobs area in fashion industry, you will become more understanding and growing awareness of it.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

The woman herself

My name is Wiriya Wimolpatanatham and I'm studying fashion studies at University of Derby.